AJTR Copyright © 2009-All rights reserved. Published by e-Century Publishing Corporation, Madison, WI 53711
Wen-Hwa Lee, PhD
University of California at Irvine
Irvine, CA, USA

Managing Editor
Qiping Zheng, MD, PhD
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL, USA

Associate Editor-in-Chief
Mien-Chie Hung, PhD
American Journal of Translational Research---AJTR: ISSN 1943-8141
Published by
e-Century Publishing Corporation.     
Senior Editorial Board (In alphabetical order)                          Editorial Board Policy

Judith Abrams, PhD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

Moulay Alaoui-Jamali, PhD, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Fabrice Andre, MD, PhD, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France

Paolo Antonio Ascierto, MD, National Tumor Institute “Fondazione G. Pascale”, Naples, Italy

Sanjay Asthana, MD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

Jessie L-S Au, PhD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Mimoun Azzouz, PhD, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

Suk-Chul Bae, PhD, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea

Xue-Feng Bai, MD, PhD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Hamid Band, MD, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA

Mitchel S. Berger, MD, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

Claudio Brancolini, PhD, University of Udine, Udine, Italy

Julia A. Bridge, MD, Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA

Helen E Bryant, PhD, The University of Sheffield Medical School, Sheffield, UK

Peter D. Burbelo, PhD, National Institutes of Health/NIDCR, Bethesda, MD, USA

John C Byrd, MD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Charles W. Caldwell, MD, PhD, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA

Joseph Califano, MD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Marina Cavazzana-Calvo, MD, PhD, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France

Ann F. Chambers, PhD, University of Western Ontario, Ontario N6A 4L6 Canada

Jenny C Chang, MD, Methodist Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Haiquan Chen, MD, Fudan University, Shanghai, PR China

Herbert Chen, MD
, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA

Shiuan Chen, PhD, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA

Shi-Yuan Cheng, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Roberto Chiarle, MD, University of Torino, Torino, Italy

James CS Chim, MD, PhD, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China

Ting-Chao Chou, PhD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA

De-Maw Chuang, PhD, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Leland W. K. Chung, PhD, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Marie-Veronique Clement, PhD, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Francois X Claret, PhD, University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Robert B. Clarke, PhD, The University of Manchester,  Manchester, UK

Richard Coico, PhD, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Kevin D. Cooper, MD, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA

Anne E. Cress, PhD, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

Nicola J. Curtin, PhD, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Angelo M. DeMarzo, MD, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

Dennis W. Dickson, MD, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL, USA

Chen Dong, PhD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Reinhard Dummer, MD, Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Adel K. El-Naggar, MD, PhD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Deyu Fang, PhD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA

Shengyun Fang, MD, PhD, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA  

Gianfranco Delle Fave, MD, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Alan P. Fields, PhD, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Jacksonville, FL, USA

Paul B. Fisher, PhD, MPh, VCU Institute of Molecular Medicine (VIMM), Richmond, VA, USA

Thomas J. FitzGerald, MD, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA, USA

Amy Fulton, PhD, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA

Kevin Gardner, MD, PhD, National Cancer Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA

Ronald B. Gartenhaus, MD, The University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA

Candece L. Gladson, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA

Stefan Glück MD PhD, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA

Michael Goggins, MD, The Johns Hopkins University,  Baltimore, MD, USA

Gaia Goteri, MD, PhD, Polytechnic University of the Marche Region, Italy

Elizabeth A. Grimm, PhD, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Qing Guo, MD, PhD, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, USA  

Henry H. Q. Heng, PhD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

Fred H. Hochberg, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

F. Michael Hoffmann, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

Chuanshu Huang, MD, PhD, New York University, New York, NY, USA

Jiaoti Huang, MD, PhD, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Shuang Huang, PhD, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA

Xiao-Jun Huang, MD, Peking University, Beijing, China

Peter A. Humphrey, MD, PhD, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA

Kelly K Hunt, MD, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Maha H. Hussain, MD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Julie Irving, PhD, Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Allan S. Jaffe, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

Ralf G. Janknecht, PhD, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, USA

Bankole A. Johnson, DSc, MD, PhD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Faye M. Johnson, MD, PhD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Ashish M. Kamat, MD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Yibin Kang, PhD, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

Patrick Kehoe, PhD, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

Mark S. Kindy, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

John M. Kirkwood, MD, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Toru Kondo, PhD, Ehime University, Ehime, Japan

Joan M. Lakoski, PhD, University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Eric W Lam, MD, Imperial College London, London, UK

Frederick F. Lang, Jr, MD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Bernard Le Foll, MD, PhD, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Chow H. Lee, PhD, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Eva Y. Lee, PhD, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA

Jae K. Lee, PhD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Peng Lee, MD, PhD, New York University, New York, NY, uSA

Allan I. Levey, MD, PhD, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA

Fengzhi Li, PhD, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA

Guo-Min Li, PhD, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

Joseph K-K Li, PhD, Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA  

Lei Li, PhD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Shiyong Li, MD, PhD, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA

Song Li, PhD, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA

Xiaoming Li, PhD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

Zihai Li, MD, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA

Antonio Liras, PhD, School of Biological Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Jinsong Liu, MD, PhD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Yusen Liu, PhD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Horace H. Loh, PhD, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Balakrishna L. Lokeshwar, PhD, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA

Leendert H.J. Looijenga, PhD, Erasmus MC-University, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Walter C. Low, PhD, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Irina A. Lubensky, MD, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Rockville, MD, USA

Mariano Malaguarnera, MD, Catania University, Italy

Ferdinando Mannello, PhD, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Urbino, Italy

Zixu Mao, MD, PhD, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA

William R. Markesbery, MD, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA

Daniela E. Matei, MD, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA

Nipun B. Merchant, MD, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA

James McCarthy, PhD, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Joseph M. McCune, MD, PhD, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA

Enrico Mihich, MD, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA

Donald M. Miller, MD, PhD, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA

Jung-Joon Min, MD, PhD, Chonnam National University, Hwasun, Korea

Yin-Yuan Mo, PhD, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, IL

Holger Moch, MD, University Hospital Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Kamal A Mohammed, PhD,University of Florida,Gainesville, FL, USA

Gabriele Multhoff, PhD, Technical University of Munich , Munich, Germany

Manabu Muto, MD, PhD, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Yusuke Nakamura MD, PhD, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

Harikrishna Nakshatri, PhD, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN

Marja Nevalainen, MD, PhD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA  

Michael Ohh, PhD, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Michael Ochs, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Kutluk Oktay, MD, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY

Iman Osman, MD, New York University, NY, New York.

Stéphane Palfi, MD, PhD, Paris XII University, Paris, France

Edith A Perez, MD, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL

Shazib Pervaiz, MD, PhD, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Philip A. Philip, MD, PhD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

Russell O. Pieper, PhD, University of California, San Francisco, CA

Matthew R. Pincus, MD, PhD, Suny Downstate Medical Center, New York, NY

Nicholas C. Popescu, PhD, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

Richard Press, MD, PhD
, Oregon Health & Sciences University, Portland, OR

Vito Quaranta, MD, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Jianyu Rao, MD, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

Ratna B. Ray, PhD, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO

Antoni Ribas, MD, University of California at Los Angeles, Las Angeles, CA

Elliott Richelson, MD, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL

David D. Roberts, PhD, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD

William N. Rom, MD, New York University, New York, NY

Jack A. Roth, MD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Eytan Ruppin, MD, PhD, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Helmut R. Salih, MD, Eberhard Karls University, Tubingen, Germany

Charles E. Samuel, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

George E. Sandusky, DVM, PhD, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN

Fazlul H. Sarkar, PhD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

Minoru Satoh, MD, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Ronald E. See, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

Meng-Ru Shen, MD, PhD, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Zhiyuan Shen, MD, PhD, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ

Gene P. Siegal, MD, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham [UAB], Birmingham, AL  

Robert A. Sikes, PhD, University of Delaware, Newark, DE

Rhonda F. Souza, MD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

Justin Stebbing, MD, PhD, Imperial College, London, UK

Gary S. Stein, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA

Bing Su, PhD, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Shi-Yong Sun, PhD, Emory University, Atlanta, GA

Yi Sun, MD, PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Russell S. Taichman DMD, DMSc, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Yoh Takuwa, MD, PhD, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan

Jun Tan, MD, PhD, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

Dongfeng Tan, MD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Weihong Tan, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Tse-Hua Tan, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

Ilker Tasci, MD, Gulhane School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey

Fattaneh A. Tavassoli, MD, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT

Ann D. Thor, MD, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO

Li-Huei Tsai, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA

Ming-Jer Tsai, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

Hensin Tsao, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Barbara Tudek, PhD, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland

Aykut Uren, MD, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA

Marry M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, MD, Sophia Children’s Hospital/Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Jean-Luc Van Laethem, MD, PhD, Erasme University Hospital-ULB-Brussels, Belgium

Theodorus van der Kwast, MD, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Altaf A. Wani, PhD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH  

Beverly Y. Wang, MD, New York University, New York, NY

Chih-Hung Wang, MD, PhD, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan

Cong-Yi Wang, MD, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA

Cong-Yi Wang, MD, PhD, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

Yu Wang, PhD, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China

Xiao-Fan Wang, PhD, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC  

Xuejun Wang, MD, PhD, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD

Yi-Ching Wang, PhD, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

David J. Weber  PhD, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

Qingyi Wei, MD, PhD, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA

Andre Van Wijnen, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA  

James C. Willey, MD, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH

Tzyy-Choou (TC) Wu, MD, PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

Xue-Ru Wu, MD, New York University, New York, NY

Yingbin Xiao, MD, PhD, Xinqiao Hospital, Chongqing, China

Zhigang Xiong, MD, PhD, Robert S. Dow Neurobiology Laboratories, Portland, OR

Jianming Xu, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX

Liang Xu, MD, PhD, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA

Riqiang Yan, PhD, Cleveland Clinic,  Cleveland, OH

Guang-Yu Yang, MD, PhD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

Qinglin Yang, MD, PhD, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL

Ximing Yang, MD, PhD, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL

Robert Yarchoan, MD, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD

Yuxin Yin, MD, PhD, Beijing University School of Medicine, Beijing, China

Hon-Kan Yip, MD, Chang Gung University College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Ken H Young, MD, PhD, Duke University Cancer Institute, Durham, NC, USA

Dihua Yu, MD, PhD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

Jian-Ting Zhang , PhD, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN

Kezhong Zhang, PhD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

Wenxin Zheng, MD, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA

Youwen Zhou, MD, PhD, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Yong Zhu, PhD, Yale University, New Haven, CT

Zhengping Zhuang, MD, PhD, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

Associate Editorial Board (In alphabetical order)

Roger Abounader, MD, PhD, University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA, USA

Ioannis (Yannis) P. Androulakis, PhD, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, NJ, USA

Hirak S. Basu, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

Weibo Cai, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

Xuefang Cao, PhD, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA

Renjie Chai, PhD, Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

Sic L. Chan, PhD, The University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, uSA

Mark P. Chao, MD, PhD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Lucian R. Chirieac, MD, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Javier Cortés, MD, PhD, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain

Roland S. Croner, MD, University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany

Xiaofeng Dai, PhD, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China

Tao Dong, PhD, Oxford University, Oxford, UK

Anette Duensing, MD, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Panos Fidias, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Thomas W. Flaig, MD, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, USA

Markus Frank, MD, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Jonna Frasor, PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

Simone Fulda, MD, PhD, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany

Thorbald van Hall, PhD, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands

Ngan Huang, PhD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Wei Huang, MD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

Gareth Inman, PhD, The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow, UK

Bechir Jarraya MD, PhD, Paris University, Paris, France

Hongchuan Jin, MD, PhD, Zhejiang UNiversity, Hangzhou, China

Emad Kandil, MD, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA

Tiebang Kang, PhD, Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, China

Sangsoo Kim, PhD, National Cancer Center, Seoul, Korea

Kyoichi Kaira, MD, PhD, Gunma University Hospital, Gunma, Japan

Shahriar Koochekpour, MD, PhD, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, NY, USA

Amaya Puig , PhD, Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain

Jay M. Lee, MD, University of Los Angeles, Los Angeles CA, USA

Vera V. Levina, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Yang Yang Li, PhD, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Xin Li, PhD, New York University, New York, NY, USA

Ji Li, PhD, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA

Eugene Lin, PhD, Vita Genomics Institute, Taipei, Taiwan   

Bolin Liu, MD, University of Colorado, Denver, CO, USA

Xuesheng Liu, MD, PhD, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

Fabrizio Marcucci, MD, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy

Xinliang Mao, MD, PhD, Soochow University, Suzhou, China

José Pablo Maroto-Rey, PhD, Barcelona Autonomous University, Barcelona, Spain

Mona Mostafa Mohamed, PhD, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

Kevin J. Mulhall, MD, Mater Misericordiae University, Dublin, Ireland

Kamal A. Mohammed, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL,USA

Fumihiko Nakamura, PhD, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA

Toru Ouchi, PhD, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

Rémy Pedeux, PhD, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France

Andrew J. Pierce, PhD, University of Kentucky,  Lexington, KY, USA

Marios Politis, MD, PhD, Imperial College London, London, UK

Vivienne Rebel, MD, PhD, UT Health Science Center in San Antonio, TX, USA

Sergio Rutella, MD, PhD, John van Geest Cancer Research Centre, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham,

Clemens R. Scherzer, MD, Harvard University Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Joshua T. Schiffer, MD, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Nathalie Scholler, MD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Yuval Shaked, PhD, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel

Jian-Yong Shao, MD, PhD, Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, China

Lesley Stark, PhD, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Gergely Szakacs, PhD,  Institute of Enzymology, Budapest, Hungary

Apollonia Tullo, PhD, Institute of Biomedical Technologies, Bari, Italy

Efstathios Vassiliadis, PhD, Southern Denmark University, Copenhagen, Denmark

Ju-Ming Wang, PhD, Institute of Bioinformatic and Biosignal transduction, NCKU, Taiwan  

Xin Wang, PhD, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Kathryn A. Wikenheiser-Brokamp, MD, PhD,  University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA

Jörg Wischhusen, PhD, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

Yun Wu, MD, PhD, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA

Sai Yendamuri, MD, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Bafflo, NY, USA

Jianhua Yu, PhD, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Zhong Yun, PhD, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

Jing Zhang, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA

Ren Zhang, PhD, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA

Xin Zhang, MD, PhD, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA, USA

Yan Zhang, PhD, Peking University, Beijing, China

Jihe Zhao, MD, PhD, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA

Song-Guo Zheng , MD, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Renqian Zhong, MD, PhD, Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, Shanghai, China

Quanmin Zou, MD, PhD, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China
Associate Editor-in-Chief
Kenneth A. Iczkowski, MD
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI, USA

Associate Editor-in-Chief
Dengshun Wang, MD, PhD